Cadet of the Month (COM)

A male and female Cadet of the Month (COM) will be nominated by each Flight Commander and/or Flight Sergeant.  The nomination package, which includes a brief description of justification, must be submitted to the Squadron Commander in accordance with the following timelines:

  • September COM nomination due 27 September

  • October COM nomination due 30 October
  • November COM nomination due 21 November
  • December COM nominations due 17 Dec
  • January COM nomination due 30 January
  • February COM nomination due  27 February
  • April COM nomination due 29 April

Cadets nominated for COM must display a positive attitude towards AFJROTC by:

  1.  Not having any unexcused, missed uniform wear days for the prior month
  2.  Participate in at least 50% of all corps extracurricular activities for the prior month
  3.  Not having any ISS or OSS during the semester

Nominated cadets will meet a central selection board consisting of the SASI, ASI, and Cadet Group Commander.  The board will score each nominee based upon their dress and appearance, military bearing, and demonstrated leadership potential in the classroom.  The scores from all three board members will be tallied and the candidate with the highest total score will be declared the COM.  Tie breakers, if necessary, will be based on order of precedence – highest score in dress and appearance, military bearing, and leadership potential.

Click HERE for Cadet of the Month Nomination Form


AFJROTC is a program meant to develop citizens of character. Cadets aspiring to achieve this mission in their own life will receive a special coin at the end of 1 year of successful completion in AFJROTC. The criteria for successful completion of 1 year in AFJROTC is as follows:

  • Complete 1 year of AFJROTC
  • No zeros in any grade/assignment
  • Receive an overall grade in the class of 80 or higher
  • Able to recite the 30 Command Drill Sequence (not perform)
  • Actively participated in at least one Leadership Development Requirement (LDR) throughout the year (participates in multiple events for that specific LDR).
  • Completes 12 Community service hours during the school year

See Cadet Guide for a picture of the awarded coin.


The AFJROTC graduation medal and stole are not participation rewards.  These awards are recognition of a cadet’s efforts to better themselves and their community.  The following items will be awarded upon graduating from High School to a cadet who completes the requirements listed below:

 Pin-complete at least 1 year of JROTC and 2 of the following 3 requirements:

  • Successfully complete 3 years in JROTC
  • Actively participated in at least 2 separate Leadership Development Requirements
  • Conducted 36 hours of Community Service

 Medal Requirements:

  • Successfully complete 3 years in JROTC
  • Actively participated in at least 2 separate Leadership Development Requirements
  • Conducted 36 hours of Community Service

 Stole Requirements:

  • Complete Medal requirements
  • Have a 3.0 GPA or better
  • Active in AFJROTC senior year (can be a reserve cadet)

A Senior who completes 4 years of JROTC AND all of the above requirements will receive the pin, medal & stole.

See Cadet Guide for a picture of the Pin, Medal and Stole.

NOTE: These requirements are for cadets starting in the program during school year 2024-2025.  The SASI and ASI will make a determination for any 3rd and 4th year cadets that started in SY 21/22 or SY 22/23.  Cadets that started during SY 23/24 have the same requirements minus 6 community service hours.

*Actual pin, medal or stole could be different depending on availability at time of Graduation.*